Sunday, April 25, 2010

More fine tuning and R2 is back together

Putting R2 back together, I had a few checklist items I wanted to eye over closely.

First was the motor power wire that fits in the battery box.  The 10 guage wires needed to be secured closer to the motor.  Putting the battery box on the motors is a squeeze as it is....battling the wires every time was getting very annoying.  Easy fix!

Next up was the battery charger plate.  The LED lighting that came with it sports 30 lights.  I had 23 holes.  So, I added 7 more to use up the remaining lights.

While I had the drill press going, I also put two shallow holes on the sides of the center vents.  The vents keep managing to slide out of position on me so this should help.

With the pieces in place, it was on to the electronics.

One thing I needed to do was fire up the Roboteq Roborun software and change some settings on the AX3500 motor controller.  Plugged into the laptop and powered on, this was a cinch....I merely leveled out the power and upped the acceleration a bit.  Here's the settings prior to changing.

Once the changes are saved to the card, we're all set to go.

I had a few problems with my radio, the mix settings got screwed up.  This allows two channels to work as one.  In the case of the drive motors, I use the aileron and elevator channels.  I found I still had one leg dragging a bit but finally solved that riddle.  Briefly, for some reason the setting got trashed....creating it again, setting one motor for +100% and -100% solved my problem.  

After a few test drives, R2 is working fine.  I am paying close attention to body sway with the extensive frame mods.  Here's R2 all lit up and back together.

 With R2 back together I can resume work on the programming side, adding the new doors/servos to the application I have written.