This blog tracks and displays my R2-D2 building progress! Made almost entirely of aluminum, the goal is to build an autonomous, PC powered robot that will "act" like the R2-D2 we all know from the movies!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
More work on the R&J dome. Sanding. Sanding. Sanding...
After unpacking all the R2 items from the weekend gathering, it was back to work on the dome.
Here's the stack of cloths, sandpaper (800, 1000 and 2000) and some Mother's Aluminum polish.
Here's my progress after the 800 grit....
...1000 grit....
...2000 grit...
...then after thoroughly drying the dome, I dabbed on some Mother's Polish and rubbed. And rubbed. And rubbed.....and alas! Some shine!
So I'm finally hitting a shiney point I've been trying to get at for a while. More polishing tomorrow!