Monday, July 5, 2010

Making improvements to the speaker mount...

Today I made a few quick tweaks to the plate that the speaker mounts to.  This is located directly behind R2's utility arms.

First I had to remove the speaker and drill a bunch of holes so the sound can get out better.  I traced around the speaker with a black felt tip marker then removed the speaker.

The next step is to seal up the speaker around the plate.  I used some foam insulation strips that have adhesive on one side.

I left enough room around the mounting bolts.  To make sure everything stays sealed up, I secured it with some black electrical tape.

And here you can see the front that sits behind the utility arms.  The holes are hardly perfect but will suffice.  This will be covered with some cloth material to conceal the speaker yet allow the speaker airflow.

I'll mount this up and see how much better the speaker projects sound now!